Publicación: Federalismo y representación política en Argentina : historia de una distorsión
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas
Resumen: El sistema federal argentino se caracteriza por ser inequitativo y desigual debido a diversas distorsiones. Este artículo aborda una de las distorsiones más importantes: la asimetría en la representación política de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación. A través de un análisis y un recorrido histórico de la composición de la Cámara Baja desde 1853 hasta la actualidad, se considera la evolución demográfica de cada provincia según los resultados de los diferentes censos de cada período. El objetivo es evaluar el grado de distorsión y su impacto en el sistema federal a lo largo del tiempo, proponiendo una nueva composición que reafirme y consolide el equilibrio institucional consagrado por la Constitución, sin que ello implique una afectación al federalismo y la representación igualitaria de las provincias, vigente en la conformación del Senado de la Nación.
Abstract: The Argentine federal system is characterized by being inequitable and unequal due to various distortions. This article addresses one of the most significant distortions: the asymmetry in the political representation of the National Chamber of Deputies. Through an analysis and a historical overview of the composition of the Lower House from 1853 to the present, the demographic evolution of each province is considered according to the results of the different censuses of each period. The objective is to evaluate the degree of distortion and its impact on the federal system over time, proposing a new composition that reaffirms and consolidates the institutional balance enshrined by the Constitution, without affecting the federalism and the province, which is currently reflected in the composition of the National Senate.
Abstract: The Argentine federal system is characterized by being inequitable and unequal due to various distortions. This article addresses one of the most significant distortions: the asymmetry in the political representation of the National Chamber of Deputies. Through an analysis and a historical overview of the composition of the Lower House from 1853 to the present, the demographic evolution of each province is considered according to the results of the different censuses of each period. The objective is to evaluate the degree of distortion and its impact on the federal system over time, proposing a new composition that reaffirms and consolidates the institutional balance enshrined by the Constitution, without affecting the federalism and the province, which is currently reflected in the composition of the National Senate.
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