Publicación: El procedimiento administrativo de consumo : la celeridad y eficacia que no es tal
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas
El presente artículo pretende analizar el instituto de solve et repete como requisito necesario y de carácter previo a la intervención del Poder Judicial en los procesos de consumo emitidos por la autoridad administrativa de aplicación en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Dicho instituto pone en cabeza de los proveedores de bienes y servicios que fueron sancionados por la autoridad de aplicación administrativa con una multa económica la obligación de abonar la sanción a los fines de poder elevar las actuaciones administrativas para su impugnación judicial.
La declaración de inconstitucionalidad decretada por la Cámara del Fuero Contencioso Administrativo con asiento en el Departamento Judicial de San Martín sobre este instituto en los procesos de consumo contradicen los principios constitucionales contemplados en el art. 42 de la Constitución Nacional, respecto a procedimientos agiles y rápidos para la solución de estos conflictos, lo que reconfigura el sistema protectorio en los procesos judiciales, en perjuicio de los derechos de las y los consumidores afectados.
This article aims to analyze the institute of solve et repete as a necessary requirement and prior to the intervention of the Judiciary in consumer processes issued by the administrative authority of application in the province of Buenos Aires. Said institute puts at the head of the suppliers of goods and services that were sanctioned by the authority of administrative application with an economic fine the obligation to pay the sanction in order to be able to raise the administrative actions for their judicial challenge.Unfortunately, the declaration of unconstitutionality decreed by the Chamber of Administrative Litigation, with a seat in the Judicial Department of San Martín regarding this institution in consumer processes, contradicts the constitutional principles contemplated in article 42 of the National Constitution, regarding agile and fast procedures for the solution of these conflicts, reconfiguring the protective system in judicial processes, to the detriment of the rights of the affected consumers.
This article aims to analyze the institute of solve et repete as a necessary requirement and prior to the intervention of the Judiciary in consumer processes issued by the administrative authority of application in the province of Buenos Aires. Said institute puts at the head of the suppliers of goods and services that were sanctioned by the authority of administrative application with an economic fine the obligation to pay the sanction in order to be able to raise the administrative actions for their judicial challenge.Unfortunately, the declaration of unconstitutionality decreed by the Chamber of Administrative Litigation, with a seat in the Judicial Department of San Martín regarding this institution in consumer processes, contradicts the constitutional principles contemplated in article 42 of the National Constitution, regarding agile and fast procedures for the solution of these conflicts, reconfiguring the protective system in judicial processes, to the detriment of the rights of the affected consumers.
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