Publicación: Detección de dificultades asociadas al riesgo académico en alumnos del primer ciclo de la carrera de odontología (UCALP)
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades
La Facultad de Odontología (UCALP) desarrolla desde 2013 un plan de acción tutorial en el primer ciclo de la carrera para favorecer la integración a la vida universitaria, previniendo el riesgo de reprobación, abandono o rezago. Alumnos con riesgo académico o en situación de vulnerabilidad manifestada por reprobación, ausentismo o falta de integración fueron derivados al Departamento de Orientación Educativa para realizar su seguimiento. Se identificaron las dificultades presentadas por dichos alumnos y su relación con la permanencia o el abandono de la carrera. La dificultad más frecuente fue la adaptación a la vida universitaria combinada o no con dificultades en los métodos de estudio, seguida por aquellas de orden vocacional. Coincidimos con otros autores en que el ingreso a la Universidad implica el pasaje de una cultura a otra, y que el oficio de estudiante se aprende con la experiencia académica; pero existen otras dificultades que exceden a esta transición.
The Faculty of Dentistry (UCALP) has been developing a tutorial action plan since 2013 in the first cycle of the career to favor integration into university life, pre-venting the risk of failure, abandonment or lag. Students with academic risk or in a situation of vulnerability manifested by failure, absenteeism or lack of integration were referred to the Department of Educational Guidance to follow up. The difficulties presented by these students and their relationship with the permanence or abandonment of the career were identified. The most frequent difficulty was the adaptation to the university life combined or not with difficulties in the study methods, followed by those of vocational order. We agree with other authors that the entrance to the University implies the passage from one culture to another, and that the office of student is learned with the acade-mic experience; but there are other difficulties that exceed this transition.
The Faculty of Dentistry (UCALP) has been developing a tutorial action plan since 2013 in the first cycle of the career to favor integration into university life, pre-venting the risk of failure, abandonment or lag. Students with academic risk or in a situation of vulnerability manifested by failure, absenteeism or lack of integration were referred to the Department of Educational Guidance to follow up. The difficulties presented by these students and their relationship with the permanence or abandonment of the career were identified. The most frequent difficulty was the adaptation to the university life combined or not with difficulties in the study methods, followed by those of vocational order. We agree with other authors that the entrance to the University implies the passage from one culture to another, and that the office of student is learned with the acade-mic experience; but there are other difficulties that exceed this transition.
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