Publicación: La matemática y la búsqueda de la trascendencia
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades
Resumen: El hombre, desde sus orígenes, se ha caracterizado por tener una fecunda actividad intelectual ligada a la matemática. La resolución de problemas prácticos fue el motor que lo impulsó a la construcción (¿o descubrimiento?) de las primeras nociones matemáticas, pero su mente inquieta no se detuvo allí y avanzó por este camino hasta llegar a elaborar conceptos muy alejados de la realidad concreta.
Actualmente, la matemática ha alcanzado un nivel de desarrollo y abstracción sorprendentes, y a pesar del carácter axiomático- deductivo predominante que posee, es la intuición y la invención del matemático el motor que la impulsa y la sigue haciendo crecer. ¿Es la matemática una manifestación exclusiva de la mente humana? ¿Qué es lo que motiva al ser humano para cultivar esta rama del saber? ¿Existe un deseo de trascendencia que lo moviliza? Este trabajo tiene como propósito, luego de caracterizar la tarea matemática, reflexionar sobre estos puntos.
Abstract: The human being, since their origin, has shown a fruitful intellectual activity as regards mathematics. The resolution of practical problems was the driving force behind the construction (or discovery?) of the first mathematical notions, but the human inquiring mind did not stop there and went further into this path until succeeding in the elaboration of concepts that were far from concrete reality. Nowadays, mathematics has reached a surprising level of development and abstraction, and in spite of its predominant axiomatic-deductive character, it is the intuition and invention of the mathematician what drives it and continues to make it grow. Is mathematics, therefore, an exclusive manifestation of the human mind? What is it that motivates human beings into working on this branch of knowledge? Is there a desire for transcendence that motivates them? The purpose of this paper, apart from describing the mathematical task, is to reflect on these bullet points.
Abstract: The human being, since their origin, has shown a fruitful intellectual activity as regards mathematics. The resolution of practical problems was the driving force behind the construction (or discovery?) of the first mathematical notions, but the human inquiring mind did not stop there and went further into this path until succeeding in the elaboration of concepts that were far from concrete reality. Nowadays, mathematics has reached a surprising level of development and abstraction, and in spite of its predominant axiomatic-deductive character, it is the intuition and invention of the mathematician what drives it and continues to make it grow. Is mathematics, therefore, an exclusive manifestation of the human mind? What is it that motivates human beings into working on this branch of knowledge? Is there a desire for transcendence that motivates them? The purpose of this paper, apart from describing the mathematical task, is to reflect on these bullet points.
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