Publicación: La esencia del arte sacro
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño
Resumen: Este trabajo aborda el tema de la esencia del arte sagrado, comenzando por la cuestión de lo sagrado en sí. Siguiendo a Hienrich Pfeiffer, parte de la distinción entre sagrado originario —principio fundante de toda realidad sacra—, y sagrado secundario. Luego de haber identificado lo esencial del arte sagrado, el trabajo hace referencia a la distinción entre arte de culto y arte devocional, para terminar buscando la ejemplificación de las ideas desarrolladas en diversas obras de arte cristianas. Se mencionan también algunos ejemplos contrarios que ayudan a visualizar, en la contraposición, los elementos esenciales de aquello que puede ser considerado arte sacro.
Abstract: This paper presents a reflection on the essence of sacred art. First, it delves into the concept of the sacred itself. Following the thought of Pfeiffer, it discusses the distinction between the original sacred and the secondary sacred. In the next place, after having identified what it is that makes art truly sacred, the paper examines the distinction made by some authors between cult or liturgical art and devotional art, ending with a search for examples of these ideas as developed in various Christian artworks. It also mentions some contrary examples that help to put into focus, by way of contrast, the essential elements of what can be considered sacred art.
Abstract: This paper presents a reflection on the essence of sacred art. First, it delves into the concept of the sacred itself. Following the thought of Pfeiffer, it discusses the distinction between the original sacred and the secondary sacred. In the next place, after having identified what it is that makes art truly sacred, the paper examines the distinction made by some authors between cult or liturgical art and devotional art, ending with a search for examples of these ideas as developed in various Christian artworks. It also mentions some contrary examples that help to put into focus, by way of contrast, the essential elements of what can be considered sacred art.
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