Publicación: Silencio, palabra y diálogo : movimientos de un hombre que peregrina
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades
Resumen: En este trabajo usted se encontrará con un derrotero que lo llevara a indagar sobre tres movimientos que son parte de la cotidianidad del hombre, en donde se verá que dos de ellos están dados para ser habitados: el diálogo y la palabra. Ellos nos van a permitir
expresar quiénes somos y cómo vamos experimentando ese mismo ser, adentrándonos en la vida misma. Caminar junto a ambos conceptos será una experiencia interesante por el hecho de sabernos cada uno de nosotros partícipes en su manifestación que no es otra manifestación que la nuestra misma. El otro concepto, el silencio, no pide habitar, sino más concretamente morar, porque es aquí donde el hombre se descubre como sí mismo y distinto de otro. El silencio va a ser ese espacio donde el hombre descubre su corazón y su inteligencia como realidades propias. Todos ellos juntos, como movimientos del hombre que peregrina, nos hacen comprender que nuestra totalidad fragmentada va a permanecer en la realidad cuando aprendamos no solo a transitarlos, sino a asumirlos como parte nuestra. Como se puede ir vislumbrando estamos dentro de una fenomenología, comprendida en una moderna incapacidad de encontrar la verdad. Verdad que no sabemos si aquí va a estar presente, pero sí su posibilidad con una intuición donada al lector.
Abstract: In this thesis, you will find yourself in a pathway leading you to enquire into the three movements that are part of the everyday nature of man, where you will see how two of them, both the dialog and the word, are given to be inhabited. They will allow us to express who we really are and how we go about experimenting with that self, going deeper in life itself. To walk alongside both concepts shall be an interesting experience, for we are all taking part in their manifestation, which is no other than our own. The remaining concept, silence, does not ask about inhabiting rather than dwelling, for it is there where man finds not only his own self, but his difference from others. Silence shall be that space where man finds his heart and intelligence as his own realities. All of them together, as movements of man's pilgrimage, help us understand how our fragmented whole will remain in the reality once we learn, not just to experience them, but to assume them as part of ourselves. It is evident now the phenomenological underlying, where we find the modern incapacity to discover (uncover) the truth. As a matter of fact, we may not know if the truth is going to be present here, but it is a possibility through the reader’s intuition.
Abstract: In this thesis, you will find yourself in a pathway leading you to enquire into the three movements that are part of the everyday nature of man, where you will see how two of them, both the dialog and the word, are given to be inhabited. They will allow us to express who we really are and how we go about experimenting with that self, going deeper in life itself. To walk alongside both concepts shall be an interesting experience, for we are all taking part in their manifestation, which is no other than our own. The remaining concept, silence, does not ask about inhabiting rather than dwelling, for it is there where man finds not only his own self, but his difference from others. Silence shall be that space where man finds his heart and intelligence as his own realities. All of them together, as movements of man's pilgrimage, help us understand how our fragmented whole will remain in the reality once we learn, not just to experience them, but to assume them as part of ourselves. It is evident now the phenomenological underlying, where we find the modern incapacity to discover (uncover) the truth. As a matter of fact, we may not know if the truth is going to be present here, but it is a possibility through the reader’s intuition.
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