Publicación: Neuroarquitectura y biofilia en espacios corporativos
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño
Resumen: En este artículo vamos a exponer los puntos principales de un proyecto de investigación que consiste en el estudio de la neuroarquitectura y la biofilia en la arquitectura corporativa, para luego establecer las analogías y disyuntivas entre Oriente y Occidente. Neuroarquitectura y biofilia son ciencias complementarias que trabajan con contenidos teóricos y con diversas herramientas, con la finalidad de mejorar la percepción espacial y el impacto a nivel cognitivo y emocional. En forma conjunta, abordamos la arquitectura desde un enfoque fenomenológico, bajo la esencia de la percepción, en la que el hombre se vuelve protagonista. Si bien la fenomenología toma un campo más amplio que la biofilia, se considera que implementando los puentes necesarios entre la filosofía y las ciencias biológicas, se podría establecer la mediación con la disciplina arquitectónica.
Abstract: In this article, we are going to expose the main aspects of a research project that consist in the study of the Neuroarchitecture and Biophiliain the corporate architecture to then establish the analogies and disjunctions of the East and West. Neuroarchitecture and Biophilia are complementary sciences that work with theoretical content and different tools, in order to improve the spatial perception and impact on a cognitive and emotional level. Jointly, we address architecture from a phenomenological approach, under the essence of perception, in which the man becomes the protagonist. Although Phenomenology takes a broader field that Biophilia, itis considered that by implementing the necessary bridges between philosophy and biological sciences, mediation with the architectural discipline could be established.
Abstract: In this article, we are going to expose the main aspects of a research project that consist in the study of the Neuroarchitecture and Biophiliain the corporate architecture to then establish the analogies and disjunctions of the East and West. Neuroarchitecture and Biophilia are complementary sciences that work with theoretical content and different tools, in order to improve the spatial perception and impact on a cognitive and emotional level. Jointly, we address architecture from a phenomenological approach, under the essence of perception, in which the man becomes the protagonist. Although Phenomenology takes a broader field that Biophilia, itis considered that by implementing the necessary bridges between philosophy and biological sciences, mediation with the architectural discipline could be established.
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