Publicación: El origen de la intencionalidad en Husserl y Henry
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Universidad Católica de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades
Resumen: La correlación intencional de la conciencia con el mundo es el tema central de la fenomenología. Edmund Husserl ha intentado fundar esta correlación a partir de la explicitación de un curso vital previo de carácter pasivo que se orienta teleológicamente hacia actividades intencionales. En esta misma tarea, Michel Henry ha acentuado la inmanencia de la correlación, fundando la intencionalidad de la conciencia en la vida fáctica y afectiva. En este trabajo nos proponemos recorrer sucintamente los dos caminos señalados en búsqueda del protofenómeno originario de la experiencia, intentando contrastar las propuestas y vislumbrar eventuales convergencias.
Abstract: The intentional correlation of consciousness with the world is the central theme of phenomenology. Edmund Husserl attempted to establish this connection by exploring a prior, passive vital process that is teleologically directed towards intentional actions. In this same endeavor, Michel Henry emphasized the immanence of this correlation, grounding the intentionality of consciousness in factual and affective life. In this paper, we aim to briefly explore both approaches in search of the proto-phenomenon that originates experience, attempting to contrast the proposals and glimpse possible convergences.
Abstract: The intentional correlation of consciousness with the world is the central theme of phenomenology. Edmund Husserl attempted to establish this connection by exploring a prior, passive vital process that is teleologically directed towards intentional actions. In this same endeavor, Michel Henry emphasized the immanence of this correlation, grounding the intentionality of consciousness in factual and affective life. In this paper, we aim to briefly explore both approaches in search of the proto-phenomenon that originates experience, attempting to contrast the proposals and glimpse possible convergences.
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